Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes recipe 193981-Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes recipe

Push the tomato and spinach mixture over to one side of the skillet Add the beaten eggs to the now cleared side of the skillet Sprinkle the tops of the eggs with the salt and black pepper and let cook undisturbed for about 3060 seconds Then stir/scramble the eggs, incorporating them into the tomato and spinach mixtureTake a flat spatula and start chopping and mixing the swiftlyscrambling egg as quickly as you can, in a clockwise motion, pushing the eggs around with the spatula from the outside in, until the spinach, onions and cheese are wellmixed and visible throughout the contents of the panHow to make scrambled eggs and tomatoes Chinese styleIngredients:tomatoes 3eggs 3salt for egg 1ggreen onions 2soy sauce 5gsalt 4gbackground musicMinyo San Ky

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Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes recipe

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